Check and verify addresses
Only include accurate, verified addresses in your database
Anchor Navigation
It is easy to make a mistake when entering new address data. Make sure that only correct addresses are recorded in your database – whether you do this via an online shop, an internal application, a sales outlet or a call center. With our web service (REST/SOAP), you can quickly check and verify new address data before you import it to your CRM database or any other database using Swiss Post reference data.
Check new or existing addresses in no time at all
Data entry support
Check and complete your postal address
Address assistant
Does the address exist?
- Input assistance (autocomplete)
- Street, no.
- Postcode, town
Verify private and business addresses
Address verification
Do the address and person/company match?
- Individuals and companies
- First and second name (or company)
- Street, no.
- Postcode, town
Check reliability
Address quality verification
How reliable is the recipient address?
- Address reliability
- Individuals and companies
- First and second name (or company)
- Street, no.
- Postcode, town
Check mailing addresses before sending mail
Support with upcoming mailings
With correct customer addresses, donor indexes and member lists, you can be sure that your messages will reach the right person. You will also minimize time-consuming returns. Have the quality of your addresses checked and updated as required free of charge.
Why it’s a good idea to solely incorporate verified addresses into your CRM database
Avoid nasty surprises and unnecessary work
Physical addresses are an important means of identification even in the digital age. When entering an address, make sure you only enter correct and/or trustworthy addresses into your database. An address that has been verified for accuracy from the outset is well worth the effort in many respects:
- The appropriate form of address is a sign of appreciation.
- Undeliverable items cost money (letter returns);
- Support with downstream IT processes where addresses are accessed;
- Identify fake addresses early on and avoid fraud;
- Avoid any reputational damage.
Important information
Data protection
Swiss Post strictly complies with the legal requirements of data protection. It does not sell, rent or lease any addresses. The data we collect is simply used as a basis for a comparison with your existing addresses or as a solid foundation for address solutions.
All you need to know
Would you like some advice?
Address Competence Center
Contact us
Call us Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., or send us a message.
+41 58 386 67 67
Personal advice
We would be pleased to set aside time for a non-binding consultation.
How to find us
Post CH Ltd
Address Competence Center
Sternmatt 6
P.O. Box
6010 Kriens 2