A Mail
Delivery the next working day, including Saturdays

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Do you want your letter to reach the recipient the next working day? If so, A Mail is the right choice.

At a glance:

  • delivered the next working day
  • Delivery from Monday to Saturday
  • suitable for important letters


The fast choice
A Mail


Standard letter prices (up to B5)1

up to 25 x 17.6 cm, up to 2 cm thick2

1–100 g

Midi letter prices (up to B5)1

up to 25 x 17.6 cm, up to 2 cm thick2

101–500 g

Large letter prices (up to B4)1

35.3 x 25 cm, max. 2 cm thick3

1–1000 g

1 All prices in CHF, incl. VAT.

2 For a thickness of more than 2 cm and up to 5 cm, a surcharge of CHF 2.00 is applied.

3 From 1,001 g up to max. 5 cm thickness = maxi letter for private customers; please note the special conditions.

Is your letter heavier than 1 kg and/or more than 5 cm thick? Send it as a parcel.

Important information

Value-added services

For customers with a billing relationship

Close-up of a laptop keyboard

Price benefits for business customers
Price benefits for business customers

As a business customer with a billing relationship, you benefit from discounts and rebates if you prepare your letters in the best way possible. This is your reward for supporting efficient processing.

Stamps, letter codes and pre-franked products

Franking letters via Post-App

  • Request a letter code and write it on the envelope
  • For A Mail and B Mail
  • For standard letters up to 100 g, large letters up to 1000 g and parcels

Create your own stamps

  • Create and print stamps independently or have them printed and delivered by Swiss Post
  • For A Mail, B Mail, A Mail Plus and Registered (R)
  • For individual letters and mailshots, including printing and shipping service

Practical and ready to hand